SkillsUSA Officers for 2023-2024
May 17, 2023
The SkillsUSA chapter at Frank H Peterson had voted on who their officers for next year. There are a total of 7 positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Historian, and Parliamentarian.
The officers for next year are:
- President- Carsyn Howes in Cosmetology;
- Vice- President- Alex Trudeau in Robotics;
- Secretary- Axeleslie Guzman in Cosmetology;
- Treasurer- Antwone Mathis in Culinary;
- Reporter- Allison Viola in Communication;
- Historian- Jerro Madriaga in Communication;
- Parliamentarian- Amanda Reyna in Culinary.
All our new officers had been to state competitions during this year, six of them had competed while one was a model, four of them had won medals. Antwone Mathis and Amanda Reyna had won Silver in Culinary Quiz Bowl, Allison Viola who had won Bronze in Photography, and Axeleslie Guzman who was a model for Jasmine Foster, and she got Bronze in Esthetics. The others who did not get medals but still did an amazing job were Carsyn Howes in basic Cosmetology, Jerro Madriaga in T-shirt design, and Alex Trudeau in Urban Search and Rescue.
In an interview with the Secretary, Axeleslie Guzman, she said “I am very excited to be an officer for our SkillsUSA chapter. This is the opportunity for me to grow and interact with the community, as well as gain more leadership skills and build my talents for my career. This is an opportunity I am very grateful for and excited to see where I go.”
In an interview with the Parliamentarian, Amanda Reyna, she said, “I feel like it is a privilege to be in SkillsUSA officer. I am very proud of it too.”
In an interview with the Treasurer, Antwone Mathis, he said that “For the senior who passed the baton to me, I appreciate the responsibilities she entrusted to me. I am very unknowing of the weight of this position that was entrusted to me. But as long as I am trusted with the situation, I will always promise to hold this position with pride.”
If you want to know about our chapter or officers, you can scan this QR code to get to any of our socials.