FHP’s Livestock Judging team Trip to University of Florida
March 3, 2023
On January 27th, 2023, Frank H. Peterson’s livestock judging team got the opportunity to attend alivestock judging class at the University of Florida. The trip consisted of two days of learning andexecuting what we have learned about how to judge livestock. The first day had a 4–hour long class thatwent through several classes of livestock like swine, cattle, and lambs. On the second day a mockcompetition was held where they brought out 7 classes for all students to place into classes. At the endof all the classes the instructors explained how and why the classes were placed in the way that iscorrect.The instructors went into a lot more detail on how to examine the livestock to be able to place them inorder from 1 to 4. Although the livestock judging team already knows the basics of livestock judging,they admit it was nice to have a new variety of livestock and get more advanced knowledge.Besides just the classes, there was much more to the trip that made it exciting for the students. BrandiAcadimia, a freshman amongst the team says, “The trip was a good learning experience and interestingexploring the campus, very cold though.” Students got to explore other places on UF campus besides thebarn in which the classes were held like the dining hall, veterinary medicine building, and the bookstore.For the students it was such an overwhelmingly positive experience and a few of them have hopes toattend the University of Florida in the future.